Ubuntu App Showdown: Results (Part 1)

Ubuntu App Showdown: Results (Part 1)

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Well, it looks like the judges have finished judging all the great apps that were imagined, developed, and released into the wild during the three-week challenge. The results may surprise you.


Lightread, the offline, easy-to-use, Google Reader client.
Lightread, the offline, easy-to-use, Google Reader client.

1st Place: Lightread

Lightread is a lightweight Google Reader client. Lightread works offline allowing you to get all your news and read it without an internet connection. ‘ With its stunning design and easy of use, Lightread is the best way to read news. It packs many of the features from Google Reader as well as Ubuntu specific features such as notifications and launcher integration.

This app really does work as advertised. It connects to your Google Reader account and keeps you on top of your subscriptions. However, it doesn’t integrate with Xubuntu quite as brilliantly as it does with Ubuntu.

Download Lightread for Ubuntu

Fogger, the app that bridges webapps and the Linux desktop.
Fogger, the app that bridges webapps and the Linux desktop.

2nd Place: Fogger

Fogger acts as a bridge between webapps and the Linux desktop. It exposes an easy to use JS API to webapps which can be used to interact with the host desktop environment.

I might be missing something, but I cannot seem to figure out Fogger.  Looking at the application screenshots, it seemed like it came with its custom user styles, but that doesn’t seem to be the case.  🙁

Download Fogger for Ubuntu

3rd Place: Picsaw

Picsaw, the jigsaw puzzle game that uses your own photos to make puzzles.
Picsaw, the jigsaw puzzle game that uses your own photos to make puzzles.

Picsaw is a jigsaw puzzle game that uses your own photos to make puzzles.

Picsaw is an interesting application that creates jigsaw puzzles from your pictures.  I’ve never really been much of a fan of jigsaw puzzles, so this is somewhat of a bore, but works great!

Download Picsaw for Ubuntu

High Hopes

It’s disappointing that MenuLibre is not among the top three, but I’m not discouraged yet.  After all, we still have the community vote ahead of us, where three additional winners can snag a fancy new Nokia N9 phone.  It’s no laptop, but it’s still an awesome prize.

So, if you’re disappointed as well, be sure to cast your vote in favor of MenuLibre once the community vote starts. I’ll post it here once it’s available to everyone. I’m counting on you!

So, what do you think of the contest results? Did your app (or the app you were rooting for) make it? Let me know in the comments!

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