Parole Media Player 4.15.0 Released
Parole Media Player 4.15.0 has been released! This release features refreshed dialogs, a more powerful playlist, and improved DVD support.
Release announcements related to individual software projects (e.g., MenuLibre), as well as major project milestones (e.g., Xubuntu and Xfce releases).
Parole Media Player 4.15.0 has been released! This release features refreshed dialogs, a more powerful playlist, and improved DVD support.
Xfce PulseAudio Plugin 0.4.3 has arrived! It includes improved MPRIS compatibility and support for the Plasma Browser Integration plugin.
SGT Puzzles Collection 0.2.5 has been released. It features various user-facing improvements and a refreshed codebase. Game on!
Catfish 1.4.12 has been released! The new release introduces an increasingly important feature: support for the Wayland display server.
Catfish 1.4.11 features improved support for symbolic links, various bug fixes, and a clearer preferences dialog. Search is better than ever.
Catfish 1.4.10 has been released! This release features a new preferences dialog, a polished user interface, and an improved search.
Catfish 1.4.8 has been released! This release improves integration with OpenBSD, Wayland, Xfce, and numerous other desktop configurations.
Xfce Settings 4.13.8 has been released! This release includes many fixes and translations, forming a solid foundation for the Xfce desktop.
Xfce Screensaver 0.1.7 has been released! This release drops legacy code while adding a long-requested feature: per-screensaver configuration!
Exo 0.12.6 has been released. As part of Xfce 4.14, it’s had an increase focus on bug fixes, with several old and new bugs finally resolved.