Mugshot 0.3.1 Released

Making better use of AccountsService, Mugshot 0.3.1 has arrived, squashing many bugs!

What’s New?

Bug Fixes

This release targets several bugs that were discovered in past releases. To better handle user properties, AccountsService is now better utilized when it is available.

  • Failure in extracting details from /etc/passwd (LP: #1304920)
  • Failed reading of /etc/passwd with empty values (LP: #1394064)
  • Crash when ~/.face is empty or invalid (LP: #1400055)
  • Crash when unable to read LibreOffice config (LP: #1557744)
  • Incorrect handling of empty name fields (LP: #1559815)

Known Issues

Mugshot’s camera dialog no longer works with recent versions of Clutter. This is due to a change in the video sink and requires a larger fix.  This unfortunately means that there is no camera support for Mugshot in Ubuntu 16.04 “Xenial Xerus”.


The latest version of Mugshot can be downloaded from Launchpad.  Ubuntu 16.04 “Xenial Xerus” users can install Mugshot 0.3.1 from the repositories:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mugshot