Mugshot 0.4.1 Released

Mugshot 0.4.1, the latest release of the lightweight user profile editor, is now available! This release includes several bug fixes and will run in the most minimal environments.

What’s New?

Code Quality Improvements

  • Replaced deprecated logger.warn with logger.warning (Python 2.x)
  • Replaced deprecated module optparse with argparse (Python 2.7)
  • Resolved Pylint and PEP8 errors and warnings

Bug Fixes

  • TypeError in _spawn(): The argument, args, must be a list (LP: #1443283)
  • User-specified initials are not correctly loaded (LP: #1574239)
  • Include Mugshot in Xfce Settings, Personal Settings (LP: #1698626)
  • Support -p and -w office phone flags in chfn. This flag varies between chfn releases. (LP: #1699285)
  • FileNotFoundError when comparing profile images (LP: #1771629)

Support for Minimal Chroot Environments

  • Fix crash when run without AccountsService
  • Handle OSError: out of pty devices
  • Specify utf-8 codec for desktop file processing when building

Translation Updates

Catalan, Chinese (Simplified), Danish, Lithuanian, Spanish


Download Mugshot 0.4.1 at the link below.

Source tarball (md5, sig)