LightDM GTK Greeter

The highly configurable login screen for the Free and Open Source desktop.


LightDM GTK Greeter is a highly configurable, GTK-based login screen. Powered by LightDM and configurable with theĀ companion app.


  • Designed to be highly accessible
  • Named widgets and native indicator support
  • Supports loading of user wallpapers and photos
  • Theming support provided by GTK themes

Latest Posts

  • LightDM GTK Greeter 2.0.5 Released

    LightDM GTK Greeter 2.0.5 Released

    LightDM GTK Greeter 2.0.5 is a minor release that improves the default user experience by adding features to the configuration template.

  • LightDM GTK Greeter 2.0.4 Released

    LightDM GTK Greeter 2.0.4 Released

    LightDM GTK Greeter 2.0.4 is a long-awaited release that improves accessibility, cursor theme options, and resolves a years-old bug.

  • Translation Updates!

    Translation Updates!

    New releases of LightDM GTK+ Greeter Settings, MenuLibre, and Xfce Panel Switch feature updated community translations.
