
Update your profile. The missing user settings for Xfce.


Mugshot is a lightweight user configuration utility for Linux designed for simplicity and ease of use.


  • Update your user profile photo
  • Update system-wide user details
  • Sync your photo and details to supported applications

Latest Posts

  • Mugshot Has Moved to GitHub!

    Mugshot Has Moved to GitHub!

    This is a heads-up to bug reporters, documentation writers, translators, and package maintainers! Mugshot has moved from Launchpad to GitHub.

  • Mugshot 0.4.1 Released

    Mugshot 0.4.1 Released

    Mugshot 0.4.1 is now available! This release includes several bug fixes and code enhancements and will run in the most minimal environments.

  • Mugshot 0.4.0 Released

    Mugshot 0.4.0 Released

    Mugshot 0.4.0 wraps up the 0.3 development cycle with full camera support for the past several years of GTK+ releases and other fixes.