Catfish 1.3.3 Released

Catfish 1.3.3 was released on October 8th. This release follows the current development cycle, in which I improve usability and tackle bugs of all sizes.

Changes Since 1.3.0

New Features

  • The headerbar window decorations are now optional and can be toggled with the use-headerbar setting
  • Updated Translations: German, Greek, Finnish, French, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish

Bug Fixes

  • LP: #1395720: Support for passwordless sudo
  • LP: #1442559: Fix lookup of files over 2GB on 32bit installations
  • LP: #1482919: Detect availability of locate, disable if unavailable
  • LP: #1495098: Use correct thumbnails directory based on GLib version
  • Fix broken modification date filter
  • Hide output from the which command on startup
  • Set the window title to display in window lists correctly


Catfish 1.3.3 displayed with the headerbar layout.
Catfish with Headerbar
Catfish 1.3.3 displayed with the titlebar layout.
Catfish with Titlebar


The latest version of Catfish can be downloaded from Launchpad.  Ubuntu 15.10 “Wily Werewolf” users can install Catfish 1.3.3 from the repositories:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install catfish