Xubuntu 15.10 "Wily Werewolf" Released

Xubuntu 15.10 "Wily Werewolf" Released

Table of Contents

A new release of Xubuntu is just around the corner! The release candidate for Xubuntu 15.10 “Wily Werewolf” is now available, and the final release is expected less than a week from now, on October 22.

What’s New?

This list highlights several new features and applications but is not exhaustive.  This post will be updated with a link to the full release notes once they are available and complete.

UPDATE: Xubuntu 15.10 has been released!  The release announcement can be found here, with the full release notes here.

Summary of Changes

  • LibreOffice Writer and Calc are now included, replacing Abiword and Gnumeric. We have also included a new theme for LibreOffice based on elementary to better integrate with the Xubuntu environment.
  • A new application, Xfce Panel Switch is now included in Xubuntu. This application enables users to easily backup, restore, import, and export panel layouts. I cover the application in greater detail here.
  • A new window manager theme, Greybird Accessibility, is now available in the window manager settings.
  • Catfish, MenuLibre, and Mugshot have all been promoted to their latest development versions as they continue to improve for the next LTS, Xubuntu 16.04.

Updated Applications

ApplicationVivid (15.04)Wily (15.10)
Blueman1.99 alpha12.0
GTK Theme Config1.21.2.1
LightDM GTK+ Greeter2.
LightDM GTK+ Greeter Settings1.
Parole Media Player0.
Xfce Dictionary0.
Xfce Notes1.
Xfce Power Manager1.
Xfce Whisker Menu1.
Xfce Panel Switch1.0.3
Xubuntu Artwork15.04.415.10.5
Xubuntu Default Settings15.04.515.10.3
Xubuntu Documentation15.


Xfdesktop with the latest wallpaper
Xfdesktop with the latest wallpaper
LightDM GTK Greeter
LightDM GTK Greeter
LightDM GTK Greeter Settings
LightDM GTK Greeter Settings
Catfish and Menulibre with the new layouts
Catfish and Menulibre with the new layouts
Parole Media Player 0.8.1 and Greybird Accessibility
Parole Media Player 0.8.1 and Greybird Accessibility
Thunar File Manager, Xfce Dictionary, Xfburn
Thunar File Manager, Xfce Dictionary, Xfburn
Xfce Panel Switch, Power Manager, and Notes
Xfce Panel Switch, Power Manager, and Notes
Xubuntu 12.04 layout in Xfce Panel Switch
Xubuntu 12.04 layout in Xfce Panel Switch
Mozilla Firefox and Xubuntu Documentation
Mozilla Firefox and Xubuntu Documentation

Available for Testing

We depend on the tests our community and team members run leading up to the final release.  Until the final release on Thursday, please help us with testing the images for any significant issues.  As larger issues are identified and fixed, new images will be created, so be sure to check the tracker each day.  The tracker is located here.  The Xubuntu tests and links to the download images can be found at the bottom.

Known Issues

A few issues have been identified at this time.  There will likely be others, so please do not hesitate to report new bugs.

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