Exo 0.12.0 Released

With full GTK+ 2 and 3 support and numerous enhancements, Exo 0.12.0 provides a solid development base for new and refreshed Xfce applications.

What’s New?

Since this is the first stable release in nearly 2.5 years, I will briefly summarize the changes since version 0.10.7, released on September 13, 2015.

New Features

GTK Extensions


  • WebBrower: Added Brave, Google Chrome, and Vivaldi
  • MailReader: Added Geary, dropped Opera Mail (no longer available for Linux)


  • exo-csource: Added a new --output flag to write the generated output to a file
  • exo-helper: Added a new --query flag to determine the preferred application


  • Replaced non-standard gnome-* icons
  • Replaced non-existent “missing-image” icon

Build Changes

  • Build requirements were updated. Exo now requires GTK+ 2.24, GTK+ 3.22, GLib 2.42, libxfce4ui 4.12, and libxfce4util 4.12. Building GTK+ 3 libraries is not optional.
  • The default debug setting is now “yes” instead of “full.”

Documentation Updates

  • Added missing per-release API indices
  • Resolved undocumented symbols (100% symbol coverage)
  • Updated project documentation (HACKING, README, THANKS)

Release Notes

  • The full release notes can be found here.
  • The full change log can be found here.


The latest version of Exo can always be downloaded from the Xfce archives. Grab version 0.12.0 from the below link.

Source code

  • SHA-256: 64b88271a37d0ec7dca062c7bc61ca323116f7855092ac39698c421a2f30a18f
  • SHA-1: 364a9aaa1724b99fe33f46b93969d98e990e9a1f
  • MD5: 724afcca224f5fb22b510926d2740e52