Parole Media Player 0.5.0 Released

Parole Media Player 0.5.0 has been released, several bugs have been fixed, and new features have been introduced. With each release, Parole becomes more stable and user-friendly.

What’s New?

This release mostly addresses a number of bugs that have been plaguing users and introduces a few new features and refinements.

  • Fixed some build errors and concerns (bugs #9728 and #9744).
  • The show/hide playlist button is now stationary.  The window expands and shrinks to accommodate the playlist (bug #9755).
  • The mute button now works as a “Toggle Mute On/Off” button (bug #9760).
  • The playlist is no longer manipulable while hidden (bug #9762).
  • Added full webm file support (bug #9798).
  • Fixed aspect ratio calculation (bug #9872).
  • Fixed some previously untranslatable strings (bug #9868).
  • The timer now updates immediately when seeking (bug #9761).
  • Fixed the playlist menu opening offscreen.
  • Improved the tray and notifications plugins.
  • Locale names are now displayed instead of the codes for audio tracks and subtitles.
  • Added (optional) GStreamer 1.0 support.
  • Added theming to the player control when in fullscreen (see screenshot below).
  • Removed the Power Manager plugin now that Parole has full power-manager support built-in.
  • Removed the scrollwheel event from the progress scale.
  • Additional minor improvements.

New Feature Screenshots

Parole finally speaks your language when interpreting language strings.
The fullscreen controls are now themeable but, by default, are transparent and shiny.
It’s like your own personal cinema!

Download Parole Media Player 0.5.0

Ubuntu 13.04 users, rejoice!  Parole is now available in the repositories.  Everyone else, you can download the source code from the following links.

SHA1 checksum: c34a33f92534a93c4cb1b92c4c8ab09f36871fe6
MD5 checksum: d8adad20ee95dfca3082812ca44be122


If you’re interested in helping out with the development of Parole Media Player, there’s a number of ways you can help.  The easiest, by far, is by reporting bugs at the Xfce Bugzilla.  If you’re having difficulties, there’s a good possibility you’re not alone.  So go ahead, and let us know what’s up!  Similarly, we’re always in need of development support.  If you’ve got some programming chops, head on over to the git repository!  Finally, one of our (perhaps lofty) goals for the next version of Parole is documentation.  If you’re experienced at creating useful and understandable documentation, or if you’re just ready to start, we’ve got a clean canvas waiting for you are the Xfce Documenation site.

So, what do you think of the latest Parole? Is it good? Bad? Let us know in the comments!